Cloud DNS

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Note: If you already have registered the DNS zone for your domain name, please wait for DNS propagation. Your web site will be displayed soon. It may take few minutes.

* Do you know what SMTP is?

Suggested article: SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) explained

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) sends messages from one email account to another via the Internet. It is a component of the TCP/IP protocol application layer. As an email protocol, it specifies the rules for effortless information exchange between the various email clients and accounts. That way, the SMTP helps to achieve global email delivery.

An SMTP server is a mail server that uses SMTP protocol to send emails. There are two different SMTP server types. They are the following:

  • Regular SMTP server: It sends standard personal emails. Popular email providers offer these servers. It usually has a strict daily sending limit.
  • Dedicated SMTP server: It can handle bulk emails. Many companies use such servers also for transactional emails.

Thanks to its simple and great features, SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is one of the most popular messaging standards.

In case you want to learn more, we suggest you take a look at a detailed article about SMTP!